Tips to become a Icon

  1. Mark your calendar to attend FREE music session on 2nd Sunday of every month by 3iii mentors for free tips and guidance.
  2. Keep track of all the deadlines with the help of Calendar Reminders. Visit for updates throughout the competition. 
  3. Remember there’s no substitutes for perseverance and hard work
  4. Just like how an author reads other books to enhance his/her vocabulary and knowledge, you must also view other videos to enhance your skills
  5. Be confident of your abilities and stop worrying about the final result
  6. If you are appearing in a talent show for the first time, use our facility to get a non-competition video judged first
  7. For online (Live Zoom) audition, only dance category participants need to upload their videos
  8. For onsite, make sure you reach on time and are well dressed. All onsite auditions will be shot with multiple HD cameras for production. 

Participants Kit 



  1. Registration is always open on 3iii website
  2. Anyone can register for FREE on or
  3. All participants are registered at Level-1
  4. Update your profile with all the details as all official communication will be done via your registered e-mail ID and registered primary phone number.



  1. Schedule audition by paying audition fees
  2. you can schedule online audition by uploading your auditon video or can schedule online live audition through zoom (No need of uploading video)

How to showcase your talent

  1. Upload videos demonstrating your talent
  2. All uploaded videos are listed as non-competition videos 
  3. Promote your uploaded videos online to get maximum likes, views, comments and a five star rating 
  4. People searching for talent globally could discover you that way                                 

About Videos 

  1. Participants scheduling online auditions will be required to submit a Competition video
  2. Competition Video needs to be recently shot, and not recorded more than 6 months before the submission date. 
  3. Please make sure there’s no noise or background sound in the video.
  4. Video needs to be shot from your smartphone in HD quality in landscape mode and then uploaded on 3iii App. 
  5. Good quality Videos with 100% green/blue screen background will be edited by the 3iii team to add the 3iii banner in the background. This will enhance the quality of the video for TV production. We highly recommend participants to do this.
  6. If a participant cannot arrange for a green or blue screen background, make sure you shoot the video with an attractive background.  
  7. Video should be shot in a single take. No editing or manipulation of any kind will be allowed. 
  8. You can record video using any HD camcorder or professional camera or your smartphone but with HD quality.   
  9. No effects or VFX shall be added to the video. 
  10. Video should be in MP4 or ProRes (.mov) codec. 
  11. The duration of the video should not exceed 200 seconds  
  12. You can choose to upload the video on YouTube and add its url link in 3iii App or on 


Introduction or Intro Video 

  1. Every Participant has to submit an introduction of not more than 3 minutes long. Upload video on youtube and then submit link or upload video not more than 2 minutes.
  2. Introduce yourself and touch upon these aspects: 3iii ID Number, Name, Age, City, State, Country, Education, about yourself, your family
  3. Shoot video outside your home, school,  or city with an attractive background 
  4. Tell something unique about your family, City, State or country which can attract the audience 
  5. Also mention who has been your Guru, for how many years you’ve been learning and what you aspire to become. 

Online Promotion 

  1. Promote your video to get maximum Likes, Vote , a five star rating of your video and comments using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram by sharing 3iii Participant Individual Page Link. 
  2. Likes are used to list your video at the top of the list. Likes are NOT counted for the 3iii selection process at any level.
  3. Votes are used to promote participants to the next level on popularity basis. Voting will not be used to decide a winner, first or second runner-up at any level. 
  4. Winners, first or second runners-up at each level will be selected on the basis of Gee Panel Judges’ evaluation only.
  5. Comments: Anyone can comment on any video but participants can disable comments for 3iii website visitors on the dashboard if he/she does not want visitors to read his/her comments.
  6. 5 Star Rating: Promote your video on social media to get a five star rating. Five star rating videos will be searched by Bollywood, Hollywood and event organizers globally to provide you a lifetime opportunity. 


 3iii Social Media Connect 

  1. Make sure you follow 3iii’s social media channels to stay updated.
  2. Like Facebook 3iii Official Page- 
  3. Join Facebook Group: 3iii Participant Only- 
  4. Follow 3iii on Twitter-
  5. Follow 3iii Instagram- 
  6. Subscribe 3iii YouTube Channel

Song Selection 

The choice of song is very critical for every selection. Consult your teacher or mentor about the same.